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Product of the Week: Macadamia Nut Oil!
7th November, 2018
Macadamia Nut Oil
Hey girl, It’s Macadamia nut oil here. You are amazing on your own but embrace me and I will help make all the wonderful things about you even better. Now that is a pretty bold claim on the part of an oil but they do have the goods to back it up. It appears in your life and offers antioxidants. But it has an extra special rare one in its back pocket called squalane. This naturally occurs in everyone’s skin but this extra boost of attention and strength will help to prevent wrinkles, age spots, and speeds up healing. It is a light-weight oil that can bring its attention to dry or mature skin. “It doesn’t have to be like this. We can soothe things and make it all better.” But it doesn’t just offer up tender care to skin. It will make hair strong, smooth, and shiny. It will help in balms to make lips soft and supple. It is a great emollient in creams and lotions. It has natural anti-inflammatory properties which can be really good in shaving products as it leaves everything moisturised and calm. You have been charmed by Macadamia Nut oil. Macadamia nut oil just says “aww shucks” and brings you more love and makes you shine.
- The Gracefruit Team