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Product of the Week: Ground Apricot Stones!
3rd October, 2018
Ground Apricot Stones
Maybe it was a long summer at the beach, or in a work setting with Arctic air conditioning but one’s skin can only stand up to so much and begins to feel a little dull. Yes it is now Autumn and everyone is excited about soft knitwear, warm beverages, and books/television with complex slightly miserable characters. While everyone discusses those things with great enthusiasm, the skin needs to be tended to. One doesn’t need to attack it with sandpaper and fierce words. (or those fancy beads which turned out to make life unpleasant for our fish friends.) The ingredient that seems to stand around waiting for everyone to get over the latest trend (because it does the job better than anyone else) is ground apricot stones. It is patient. When added to scrubs and soaps it gets out the dirt, rids one of dead skin, and because we remembered how good it was, it adds a rosy glow to our skin by getting the circulation to perk up again. It will be there throughout the cold months when the harsh winter air, and central heating tries to take over and strip everyone of their bright soft skin. Turn to this ingredient, use it, slip on that comfortable piece of knitwear and mutter to the elements, “not today.”
- The Gracefruit Team