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Product of the Week: Gingersnap Fragrance Oil!
21st November, 2018
Gingersnap Fragrance Oil
You don’t always want sexy or intensely alluring. Sometimes you wish to close the door on the world and retire to a calm place where you can experience some gentle familiar comfort. No one will ask you difficult questions, or make you feel out of place. There won’t be any tests from the universe to see if you are cool or clever enough to be there. Gingersnap Fragrance oil wants to soothe your woes with sweetness and a little crackle. You are welcomed by the spicy ginger that wants to distract you from any anxieties. It calls to mind memories of a Grandma massaging the neck of a child whose head is resting on the table while the adults continue their boring talk. The warmth and affection in that touch brings on a safe sleepy sensation. Promises of something good because of that patience. This ginger snap takes you to a place with cinnamon, a little bit of orange, and that toasty biscuit scent. Your sole purpose is to just enjoy yourself. You may want to slouch a bit and put your feet up now and take a big breath. Yes that is sweet vanilla tempting you and putting a smile on your face. Let someone else worry about that problem out there. You are being tended to and it will be okay with this mellow gingersnap.
- The Gracefruit Team